I am not a boutique photographer. Schedule at your convenience. 48 hour turnaround.
I am not a boutique photographer. Schedule at your convenience. 48 hour turnaround.
All babies and toddlers, and children, reach milestones at different ages and stages of their lives.
It is important to embrace the milestone your baby/child is currently in.
Check out my Pinterest board showcasing past sessions to help you find what it is you want in your session.
If your baby is six months old, and cannot sit, fear not! Babies often do not sit by six months old. They are stable sitters towards the end of seven months and early eight months. So, if you come for a six-month session, is it going to be a good chance your baby cannot sit unassisted. I do not suggest balancing your baby and risking your baby to fall. I suggest embracing your baby’s milestone and if you want your baby to sit, wait a few weeks and undoubtedly, your baby will eventually sit on their own.
The best time to photograph your baby who is celebrating their first milestone is before the start walking.
I strongly suggest photographing them around 11 months because they’re so happy to be sitting and showing you how they sit with confidence. You have a higher chance of lots of smiles.
When a baby starts to walk, they will have no interest in sitting down and smiling for the camera. They’re going to want to walk around and check out the studio because they have that independent ability now that they can walk.
If your baby is walking, I strongly suggest an outside session so that we can maximize our chances of getting good pictures of the baby as your baby walks away from us constantly.
Walking baby for his first birthday in the studio
For those turning two years old, I suggest an outside session. Two-year-old children have very strong personalities and really like to do whatever they want. When they go into the studio, since they’re always so interested in everything else, it’s hard to keep them on the background. However, if you would like a studio session, that’s wonderful! I do not suggest getting the minimum time though. You’re going to need at least 20 minutes to ensure we get some thing you’ll love from the session. Toddlers don’t have an on switch where we can just start getting smiles right away. Toddlers do take a while to warm up.
I’ve watched this little lady grow as of 1 month old. Here she is about to turn 2!
We have balloon garlands available for rent for $20. We have a lot of balloon colors to choose from. It’s best to to text me and confirm I have the colors you want.
We have a wide variety of backgrounds and balloon garlands.
I try to keep my business model as fair as possible.
In order to do that, i.e. charge based off the amount of people participating. My baby session package has a base fee that includes one baby.
Anyone additional to that one baby is an extra person.
Since everyone has different size families, and different amount of people participating, I didn’t think it was fair to have a flat fee so that people who wanted just a baby photographs to pay the same amount as a family of five.
The primary goal of this session is to photograph the baby in the additional people with that baby. We will not be taking individual pictures of the additional people because that’s not the type of session this is. If you would like individual pictures of everyone participating, it’s best to schedule a family session. That way everyone has their fair turn.
It is best to reschedule your session if anyone is sick.
Not only are we a small business, and able to contract your illness, thus making it unsafe to continue working until the illness pass, no one photographs at their happiest when they are sick. Sick babies do not understand that you only "want one picture". All they know is they dont feel good and want to cuddled and feel warm and safe and secure. Bringing a sick baby to a session is not the best idea because babies don't just mask how they feel and put a smile on their face. Plus, their eyes are often red, along with their nose and they drip mucus from their nose and tear often. I do not edit that out for free. Extra editing does come at an extra cost because it is extra work.
There is no penalty for rescheduling until the morning of your session or at least 4 hours before. This is so I can plan my day. Last minute reschedules and cancels are handled on a case by case basis. More often than not, a last minute reschedule or cancel due to an illness isn't a valid excuse if your illness presented itself more than 4 hours from your notice to me.
Twins, by definition, are two separate people. In that same spirit, twins require two separate sessions for their pictures. If you would like them together, that’s OK. Each of them will be an additional person to each other's session.
Twins are extremely hard to photography. I do not have discounts for twins, like in daycares. I almost want to charge extra for twins because Jessica and myself both need to be there to handle both babies. So before asking for a twin discount, keep in mind that they aren't less work because they are twins. They are more work.
I get asked quite often if I have props.
Sure, I do have props.
However, I do not have an infinite amount of props at my disposal. Nor do I have an archive listing of everything that I own. To manage that list alone would require a full-time job and I don’t have the money to hire an assistant to deal with that.
Therefore, I ask you to send me your ideas. I will then let you know if I can accommodate to what it is you are envisioning. I am not a set designer. I am a photographer. If you have ever watched a movie or a TV show, when you see the credits, you will see a whole list of people participating in that project, not just the videographer.
I am a photographer. My skill and specialty is using the camera and editing pictures. I am not skilled at that design. I can help you as much as possible, however, I design things the way I like and we are all different. There’s a good chance that the way I have something designed is not something that you like because of my style. That is why I ask you to send me your ideas, that way I can re-create some thing.
The only sets that I designed and built from scratch are my seasonal mini sessions.
There are tons of prop companies in Miami that will allow you to rent props if I don’t have what it is you’re looking for. PropShop Miami is one of them. You can find them on Instagram @propshop_miami