I am not a boutique photographer. Schedule at your convenience. 48 hour turnaround.
I am not a boutique photographer. Schedule at your convenience. 48 hour turnaround.
Check out my newborn Pinterest board of previous sessions, and behind the scenes, which will help you understand what it is I have to offer and what you can expect from my services
$150 non-refundable retainer required upon scheduling via cashapp/venmo/zelle
Priced for baby up to 21 days of age. Up to 2.5 hours that includes feeding time.
If you do not mind your baby being awake during the session, it is best to wait for your baby to turn 1 month old and schedule an infant session.
Best time to schedule is after the baby is born and before you leave the hospital.
This option comes with an average of 2 setups and minimum of 20 base edited images, dependent on the baby's behavior.
Enhanced edits are available at an additional cost. Cost depends on the work required, and honestly, depends on how you are. Mean and entitled people, though don't often come thru the door, are charged much higher prices than nice people. I am such a softy. One good sob story and I will totally feel your pain. I do ask you don't take advantage of my kindness, but if I do extra editing for you, it is because I want to. I don't expect anything additional.
Twins require two individual sessions and the multiples add on to take pictures together. Why, you ask? It takes me 2 hours to photograph one baby alone and now I have a second baby. So I need another two hours. The multiples posing is applied to only one of the sessions and that is to pay for Jessica to stay with me during the session as a second set of hands.
I only photograph newborns 4 week days a week. I do not photograph newborns on weekends. I do not go to homes to studio pose a newborn. I pay top dollar for a studio that is not in my home and all the things I need for a versatile newborn gallery are in my studio and too delicate to move around and transport.
I will let you know right now that newborns are not priced more than all my other sessions because “I’m so great”. I mean, yes, I am, but this session costs the most because it takes the most amount of time. My other sessions are not 2.5 hours long.
In fact, I lose money when I take newborn sessions. If you’re wondering how, let me explain:
I have been photographing newborns since 2013 and it has been quite the journey. With that being said, I know exactly what to expect during your session. It is best if you trust my experience and follow my instructions thoroughly. There is a very obvious reason why everyone in Miami isn’t a newborn photographer, and that is because newborn photography is extremely difficult. There is a huge financial investment in newborn photography as well as years of learning and growing.
If you are unable to afford newborn photography, I recommend that you put it on your baby registry. You can ask your friends and family to contribute $20 to your newborn photography fund and before you know it, you have $480 for your session!
Every mother that comes to the studio who opted to not take newborn pictures always come back telling me they regret not taking newborn pictures. But I remind them that babies are going to keep growing and every session is the smallest they will ever be, whether the baby is 1 year old or 13 years old. Pictures are priceless when they are the only thing that gives us a window into our past. All sessions seem routine until you’re looking back at 10 years worth of pictures and you see the transformation before your eyes. I know that is how I feel when I photograph families who have grown behind our lens.
Oh, I know you only want a few pictures. And trust me, you will get about 15 different poses, photographed in multiple angles and will receive a good amount of pictures, but ultimately, your "few pictures" take two hours to get.
I ask my newbie moms to keep their baby undressed and awake/engaged for 3 hours prior to our session. Why is that? Well, babies do not like being undressed. It is helpful to let your baby get used to being undressed so they aren't all shocked and surprised to be undressed when they are with me in the studio.
I ask my newbie moms to try and hold off their feeding til the beginning of our session. That way baby is exhausted and hungry.
I ask (pretty much require) parents to bring pacifiers. They are a game changer. 99% of newborns photographed (its been around 1500 newborns as of July 2021) need a pacifier to calm them down and soothe them. The pacifier is quite brilliantly named, as it does pacify a baby. If a baby doesn't want the pacifier, I can tell and will not force it.
Once your baby finishes eating (usually takes 30-45 minutes) the baby suffers from FOMO - fear of missing out - for around 20 minutes. That is when I take advantage of baby being awake and wrapping baby up and get beautiful eyes open shots.
Eventually, baby falls asleep. I unwrap the baby and start posing them.
Most of my clients want my chin pose, which is a pose most photographers cannot achieve, but I can only get it if baby falls asleep at some point.
The baby I was holding was 14 days old.
"I thought this was going to be so much easier."
- It’s best to remember there’s a reason why every single person in the world isn’t a newborn photographer or why not every photographer offer newborn sessions. It’s very hard for everyone, including me. But I have almost 9 years experience and lots of lessons learned to give you the best newborn experience possible.
"I have never seen my baby's eyes open this long!"
- It is a very common phrase that I hear frequently during a session.
"My baby sleeps all day."
- Yes, because you aren’t bothering them. You are not going out of your way to keep your baby asleep when it’s time for them to sleep.
"My baby is normally so good."
- Awake babies aren’t bad. It’s just that babies are people and absolutely know that they are not home and that I am not their mom. Some babies are a little less accepting of strangers in uncomfortable environments.
"My baby sleeps thru everything."
- Please trust me when I say “no they don’t”. Babies are people. And all people, regardless of age, do not want to be bothered when they are sleeping. In fact, you probably have spent a lot of money on baby items with the purpose of allowing your baby to sleep comfortably and safely.
”My baby doesn’t take a pacifier.”
- Most newborns don’t take pacifiers, mainly because their mouth muscles don’t have the strength to continually keep it in their mouths. They suckle on a pacifier until they are relaxed and then don’t want the pacifier.
I have killer calves and thighs cause of how I squat a million times.
When I say 2 setups, I mean this:
I pose the baby as many times as possible on a blanket and I pose the baby as many times in a basket on the floor. I typically achieve 8 poses on a blanket and 5 poses in a basket. I take multiple pictures of each pose from different angles.